Riddle me this:
How old is too old to run a lemonade stand?
Is there a cut off age?

Read about Camryn's experience with a slightly older lemonade entrepreneur by clicking here.
{I was going to mention that a lemonade stand was something we could do together when I am up in UT next week... you know. Just the two of us... I bought the lemonade stand kit and everything...}

; )
I must commend her though, for supporting the financial welfare of the neighborhood kids. I wish I had someone like her around when I was growing up. 'Cuz as hard as I tried, no one wanted to buy 'Pretty Rocks' in a neighborhood called Pebblewood... and yes, my sister and I went door-to-door. No such luck.

And I found it odd when no one would buy my traced pictures either. Something about already having that coloring book page, or whatever.
Oh well....
Hope you all have a great week!
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Me and my sisters sold bugs once. We actually sold a ladybug to an old man who walked off with it on his finger. It made our day!
Ha ha! Oh our Pebblewood days! I too tried to sell bugs a whole box filled with roly poly's and not a one sold! I just did not understand why someone would not want such a fun roly little pet?!
I loved salt water taffy as a kid--one day I realized that those wax wrappers could be put to good use. SO..I wrapped playdough in them and sold them to the younger kids. When they asked why it tasted salty I replied, "silly children, it's SALT water taffy!"
Never too old for a lemonade stand. Ever.
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