I live in a small townhome. I love it, though. It's making me de-junk. It's making me prioritize my worldly possessions. It's making me 'simplify' my life. But it is also making my brain go crazy trying to come up with solutions to make sure there is no 'wasted space'. Most of my items need to do double duty. Or they're out of here.
Which gets the wheels turning. And thinking about beautiful, yet practical and useful items.
Take this coffee table:

Gorgeous and provides a luxurious storage area.
{Did I mention that the builder of our humble abode didn't believe in linen closets? Or storage areas in the bathroom? Did I mention that I store my towels in my coffee table? >:( }
Let me tell ya what though. By the time we move into a bigger place, I might be will be a pro at coming up with storage solutions.
And I will cry when I can actually put towels and sheets in a linen closet.
Actually. Cry. Tears.
It will be a beautiful day. ;o)
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So I have been asked to do a review of a product from here. I am giddy. And feel like a 3 year old in a candy shop.
And you should be giddy too. Because on the day I post this review, I will have a giveaway with it as well. Boo-yah!

Have an amazing monday!
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