With the witching hour drawing nigh, I have found that my brain has been put under a spell. I am fairly certain that there is a witch or warlock out there giggling with delight at the chaos that they have put into my life. I, for some reason, have not been able to keep track of my days. For example: I usually post on Thursdays, but yesterday I thought it was Wednesday, thus providing further evidence of my brain being bewitched. Because as a mom, I would NEVER forget what day it was. Ever. *ahem* You should be slightly proud however, that I was able to remember that it was field trip day yesterday. So take that evil spell!
This is my Favorite time of year. I love fall. And I adore Halloween. Not the creepy scary blood and gore let's get chased by a man with a chain saw in a maze of corn Halloween. Oh, no. Nasty. I do not find joy and elation by putting myself in a situation where I may or may not pee my pants from fright. That just isn't my cup o' tea. This, my friends, is:
I got my son off to school, his Bumblebee costume in his backpack. We had a 'debate' whether or not he should bring his mask. As Supreme Ruler and Judge, I won. He went maskless. I am now free to prepare for the amazing holiday where kids get to stay up late, get tons of candy and get sick. Is anyone else excited that Halloween falls on a Saturday? I hate it when it falls on the weekdays. That is pure torture. I think we should change the date. Who wants to start a petition? I call that Halloween should fall on the last Friday or Saturday of the month {haven't decided which one is better}. Any takers?
Anywho, today will be filled with making these:

Recipe found here.

Recipe drooled over here.
{PLEASE head on over to the Idea Room and check out her amazing ideas. This woman is genius.}
Thanks to the fact that my daughter REFUSES to potty train again {extra thanks to this}, I have had to resort to insanely cheap decorating. My husband didn't like the idea of setting up a Halloween Decoration Fund at our local banking institution. Apparently we don't have the 'funds', or whatever that means... So I have scoured the internet and have found some fun ideas that I will be making today. How cute are these?

{When you have a solid 7, 946 hours, you must read Blue Cricket Design's Blog. Be prepared to stay awhile.}
I will be hanging them on my branches I borrowed from a trip to the remote dessert and spray painted black and dumped in a bucket. Total cost? 89 cents. Very 'fund'able.

I will also be making these as well:

{Again, another fantabulous blog! The Joys of Home blog is very addicting. Maybe you should wait until AFTER the Holidays are over and you have tons of time.}
So it is off to clean the house! I don't know about you, but decorating isn't as fun to do when your house is a maze of toys and C.R.A.P. And I have to find missing parts to my daughter's costume. She is going to be Super Girl. Unless you ask her yourself. She'll tell you she's She-Ra. {And I couldn't be more proud! Anyone else love She-Ra?}
PS. Is anyone else freaking out that it's the end of October already? Good thing we already carved our pumpkin . . . unfortunately we did it a little too early. Jerry the Jack o' lantern didn't make it to Halloween. So much for being on the ball. I have prepared a lovely eulogy:
R.I.P. Geriatric Jack-o-lantern

As we travel through the seasons of life, we find ourselves transforming in ways we had no intention of. Like our dear friend, Jerry the Jack-0-lantern. He started out so vibrant, orange and fresh . . .
. . . then with skilled hands, received a deep colon cleanse . . .

. . . and a facelift that demanded attention . . .

. . . we loved the new look. but as the week progressed, our dear friend began to sag.

{it happens to the best of us}
As the season of his life was coming to an end, the once perky eyebrows began to droop, the lips began to curve inward, and he began to get a little 'clogged up' with decaying matter. Unknowingly, he lost complete control of his bodily functions and began to give off "offensive" odors. It was time for Jerry the Geriatric Jack-o-lantern to go to a better place. A place where pumpkins roll free and happy faces are carved daily. {With a complimentary internal cleanse included.}
We love you jerry . . . until we meet again . . .
{and yes, I bathed my children BEFORE we carved pumpkins. Don't you?}
1 post a comment :
Wow! This is an awesome post, full of great ideas and pictures. I loved the kids pulling the inerds out of the pumpkin!
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