This last Christmas, Santa was in desperate need of help. "What do you get a special person, who has been so good her entire life, for Christmas?" he asked himself. Flabbergasted by the thought, he decided to go directly to the source and see if he couldn't pick up on some clues that would help him in providing the perfect stuffings for her stocking.
After observing her for a few weeks {incognito}, he still could not come up with anything. For the first time in the history of man, Santa could not figure out what to bring this young lady who had been soooo good everyday of every year of her entire life. *cough*
Swallowing his pride, he approached the woman.
"Jordan. I have no clue what to get you this year. Will you please give me some hints as to what you may need or want?"
Seeing the pain and frustration in Santa's eyes, she said "Santa? I will do even better than that. I will write you a list of things that would make perfect stocking stuffers".
Christmas Day arrived {much too quickly I might add}. As she looked into her stocking, the young lady {I call myself 'young lady' because I am suffering from Age Denial} was excited to see the could've-been-wrapped-a-little-better gifts all nestled together at the bottom. But as she started to pull them out, confusion began to sweep through her soul.
Didn't I write a list? Didn't I ask for bobby pins? I was sure I mentioned perfume in there somewhere! I didn't actually write down watch battery, but I remember mentioning it. Shame on me for assuming that he... oh well.
Santa did indeed bring her gifts:

Bless his heart for trying.
{And yes, it's a crappy picture I took with my crappy camera. No judging.}
So I love Mr. Smith. He felt super guilty about the "dumb" {that was his word} stocking stuffers, especially after he saw my the other Santa's rockin' gifts. I said it was totally fine- it's the thought that counts. Besides, that's what my parents always gave us for Christmas. Deodorant, chapstick, underwear, socks... you know. The 'essentials'. So it didn't phase me that much.
But I think he found that 'Lost List', because I got this for my birthday:

AAAANNNND I think feeling guilty for travel-sized deodorant and a pink toothbrush led him to this.....

He bought me my very-first-ever cell phone. Like, in my life.
I know- 1999 called and said it was time to join the party. ;)
{And remember, you have a chance to join the party, too! Leave a comment here {by Sunday} and you could win a $10 Cold Stone gift card. Throw that diet aside for a day and enjoy some real ice cream... on me!}
Moral of the story: sometimes even actual lists can't help out a man...
{...but Guilt can be your best friend.}
Hope y'all have an awesome weekend!
6 post a comment :
Happy Birthday! :)
What a great "Mr Smith" for going up and beyond for your birthday! Plus all the special treatment of Dinner and a movie! Know how you feel about the stuffers, I just got mine two days ago...except it was my entire Christmas!
Check out the hilarious video of a wife who sent her husband to the store with a list.
Too funny! Sounds like my husband. Last year I got 2 Tae Bo videos which he asked me about and just said oh I'll just put these in here so I knew they were there. And my surprise gift was....A cheese slicer!! Ohhh Yaaa just what every woman wants! LOL! :)
I was wondering what happened to my stocking stuffers this year. My hubby decided he didn't want to "do" stockings anymore but that is typically what I'd get, lol (and gum too and Q-tips too)!
I did my own one year (suggested by FLYlady) but I think that hurt his feelings. Another year my daughter filled mine when she found out her dad had forgotten about it (or ran out of money or something).
Funny. Cute.
I'm following now! Maybe you could stop over and say hi sometime!
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