And then I found out a girl I went to high school with just lost her 9 week old baby boy this morning. And it just didn't seem appropriate that I should be silly. And I don't even know if I could be.
My heart is breaking for her.

Life is precious. I know we love to laugh at the 'joys' of motherhood and make fun, but sometimes we need to stand back and really take a look at our precious families. I mean take a really good look- you know, past the ketchup stains, boogy noses and smelly diapers.
What would you do if one of those angels was not with you?
So even though my daughter has changed her outfit at least 5 times today {underwear included}, but is now running around in the buff {underwear NOT included}, I am going to grab her and snuggle her. So what if my dishes are overflowing in the sink. So what if her hot dog bun has been smooshed into the table, and now resembles roadkill. So what if I went over my allotted text amounts this morning. None of that even seems to matter. It's amazing how reading someone else's trials can make you fall in love with your blessings even more.
I had been following Nat's blog the past couple days. Her faith and strength is amazing. I can not even imagine what she is going through. If you are interested, please stop by and read about Gavin's courageous fight at Pics and Kicks.
And you know what? I think he won. I think he won the battle. It wasn't how any of us hoped it would turn out, but he is in a much better place {not that this fact takes away the hurt and sadness any}. But no one can hurt him there. He is completely safe and whole.

So go and squeeze those little ones.
Boogy noses and all.
2 post a comment :
Oh my gosh, that is just too sad. My heart and prayers go out to your friend's family right now. I couldn't imagine.
There are no words to express the pain and sadness...
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