The other day I asked my daughter if she wanted to go to school like her daddy and brother. She promptly told me no. Why? Because she didn't have a backpack.
Pretty good logic for a four year old, if you ask me. ;)
I decided to start looking for children's backpacks at an online store I have begun to love over the past few months, even though she doesn't start pre-school until next year. How stinkin' adorable is this?

Or this robot? I know it's not particularly for girls, but I would buy it anyway, just to hang in our closet. Everyday I open up that door I would smile.

Maybe for Christmas....
Speaking of Christmas, it's like 5 weeks away. Anyone else freaking out about this? Or are you one of those super organized people who have all of their gifts bought and wrapped, food in the freezer, and parties all planned out before Thanksgiving hits? {Someday I will be one of those people... just not this year. *sigh*}
My Gift To You:
I want to help a lucky reader ease the financial strain purchasing gifts can be on one's pocket book this year. What would you do if you had $40 to spend on anything you choose from over 200 online stores?? CSN stores.com has graciously offered a one-time use gift certificate to one of MMA's readers: that could be YOU.
Keeping it short and simple:
I'm experimenting with a less is more approach to this giveaway.
| Just leave a comment. One simple comment. |
You can tell me about what you would choose if you won, what colors your Christmas tree will be this year, how many guests you are hosting for Thanksgiving, the name of your pet goldfish, or whatever your heart desires. As long as it's clean... ;) I would love for you to spread the word for extra entries, but there seems to be a lot on people's plates during the Holidays, and I don't want to add one more thing to your overflowing agendas. {And some people don't have blogs, or a facebook/twitter account, so I thought I would even out the playing field.}
You have until Sunday, November 28th {at midnight} to enter. I will be picking a winner via Random.org and announcing the lucky person on Monday, November 29th.
Best of luck to you all!
Fine Print: please be aware that this is a one-time use online code. There may be shipping charges, or if you're in Canada, international fees for certain products.
9 post a comment :
Wow! Love those backpacks. That store has everything. We bought a fantastic baby gate from them a while ago. I absolutely drool over the home decor. It would be hard to pick a favorite.
Those are so adorable!!! Please, please pick me.
Oh my gosh. That robot backpack is the cutest thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. Do you think people wold judge me if I wore it to grad school? Would it fit my laptop?! ;) I do carry a strawberry shortcake lunchbox, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch.
Well, I won last time so I don't want to take the fun away from someone else. Instead, I just HAD to comment about how dang hot you look in your picture;)
Oh my adorableness. Those backpacks are the best!
This kind of thing gets me in the spirit! Plus I've got a granddaughter who is 3 just starting pre-school!
I would buy my daughter trunki for Christmas. Perfect for play and travel!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
I love Christmas and giveaways! I am in love with cowboy boots right now, and I might just try to convince my hubby he needed to use this $40 to buy me some!!
Would you consider linking up with Of Such is the Kingdom this week with a thankfulness post? Check it out! suchakingdom.blogspot.com
Thanks for the giveaway! I love that robot backpack, and I think it's perfectly appropriate for a girl! I would have loved it myself!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
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