Are you in the market for home office furniture, mirrors, spoons or even plumbing supplies? Well CSN has everything you could ever need. Including the Kitchen Sink. With over 200 online stores, this is definitely your place for one stop shopping.
And I would like to help you shop. {It's a girl thing.} ;) has generously offered {again} to give one of my lucky readers a $40 gift code! {You may squeal now because this is awesome.}
Here's how to enter:
Here's how to enter:
Leave a comment. Any comment will do as long as it's G-rated. ;) Tell me about your day, what you would buy if you won, your favorite kind of chocolate - anything.For those interested in an additional entry/chance to win, let me know in a separate comment if you are a follower.
Simple as that.
You have until Sunday, February 27th {midnight} to enter.
I will announce the winner Monday the 28th.
Best of Luck Everyone!! --xoxo
FYI: please be aware that this is a one-time use, online code. There may be shipping charges, or, if you're in Canada, international fees for certain products.
*Winner Update *

Congratulations to Mindy who is commenter #21! I will email you your code of awesomeness! :)
Thank you again to all who entered!! I wish you all could win... :(
29 post a comment :
Thanks for the giveaway! I love csn.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'd use it toward this blanket:
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the chance!
I love the shoe selection at CSN.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I have had the worst daughter fell on her head and daycare which ended in a major concussion....ambulance rides and hospital stays....I am so tired and ready for the weekend.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Woot! Thanks for the giveaway. My 7 year old daughter used the best word this morning:
Huge-iamoung. It means really, really, really big. Apparently.
Excited about this!
Today my 2.5 year old told his 9 month old little brother that he couldn't play with his firetruck because it would make his bottom hurt........
if it's not one thing it's another :)
If I won, I think I'd get a dog bed- they have tons of them.
luckyjd2k at gmail dot com
Seriously! Lucky you--another CSN giveaway. I love their store. I bought my kid's curtains from there a year ago and they are still my favorite. Great customer service too...I guess I'll be plugging this over at my place. ;)
i want to buy my son the toy story desk....hmm- i like to tell people this incase you come across soemthing needing that extra support- I had 5 miscarriages before having my son and a daughter now- ages 1 and 2- doctor after doctor after doctor- all they could say is bad luck- so i like to say- Miracles do happen and they happen more than ONCE.
tcogbill at live dot com
i follow you gfc
tcogbill at live dot com
My day has been tiring, but definitely exciting! Went shopping downtown with my friend. I hope it doesn't snow again, I'm enjoying this 50 degree weather! Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I'm a follower with Google Friend Connect.
I love to cook and my current pans are beaten up so I would buy the Calphalon - 1758439 - Contemporary Nonstick 10" and 12" Omelet Combo Set. Wishing you a beautiful weekend :)
I am a follower GFC
I could tell you about my birthday and how awful it turned out to be (ps: my bday is vday), but instead I'll tell you about how when I went to take my kids out of the van today and my hubby was getting the stroller out... the van next to us started backing out and I thought my hubby had forgotten to put the car in park!!! The adrenaline rush was INTENSE!!! Good gravy!
Thanks! I would love to get this set from csn stores:
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow you publicly on GFC "Crave to Save"
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
After spending the morning with the hubby at the Parade of Homes I am feeling the 'home decor' bug... that is what I would buy something splendid for my home!
Oh and of course I am a follower! I love your blog! :)
I would buy something fun, not sure what yet, but I am feeling the need for a change.
Also, I am a follower!!
I would so get the Nostalgia Electrics Retro Popcorn Maker! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I follow via gfc as Dee! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
Yay for Giveaways!
i stalk, i mean follow you. :)
Would sooo love to win this one!!! Could use a little pick me up this week...
I am also soooo a follower doll...
I'd get a Cuisinart fondue pot!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
Love CSN !
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