
{ camryn's corner }

How do you feel about snow? Love it? Hate it? Both? Head on over to mmu and check out Camryn's adventure in the snow. It's been a crazy week, but she's battled the snow {and uneccesary calorie intake} head on.

Oh no. She didn't shovel.

She cheerlead-ed:

As for me, I don't miss the snow one bit. Although I wouldn't mind trading the 116 degree summers here for someone else's. Any takers?

Hope you all have a great week, and remember to read this if you're having problems with mma in your google reader. Now you'll have to excuse me. I feel I need to do some of my own 'cheerleading'....




1 post a comment :

Camryn said...

I can't stop laughing! You are insanely hilarious....how did you know I cheer him on from the couch?

Seriously, I can't stop laughing! Ah, you're the best. :)

LoVe, LOVE, L-O-V-E the new design!
You are so good at it. Can you teach me?

'Cheer captain'.....ha ha ha ha....

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