Happy {almost} Hallowe'en Everyone! {Yes, I saw someone write Halloween with an apostrophe, and thought I should be all cool and punctuational-like as well. It kinda makes me feel smarter.}
I can't believe the end of October is already upon us, and the Night Of Tricks Or Treats is Tomorrow! {For us, at least.} My kids are excited about their costumes, and I am debating whether or not I should dress up for the neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat. Hmmm......
Wouldn't it be nice to be a Celebrity Look-a-like? Then you wouldn't even have to dress up. All you would need is a 'Hi. My name is...' sticker.
Instant costume.
Here are a bunch of people who have Halloween costume ideas In The Bag:
{Warning: TONS of pictures ahead...}

And of course, Patrick Stewart can go to the next Halloween Party as his 20-year-younger self and totally get away with it.

Check out even more Look-A-Likes at Totally Looks Like.com!
Stumped about your costume this year?
Do you look like a celebrity?
Well there's your costume idea.
You're Welcome.
Hope everyone has a super safe and fun Halloween!
2 post a comment :
I love evil Twins! Great work. I especially like Alec Baldwin/Millard Fillmore and Geoffrey Dean Morgan/Robert Downey Jr.
Fantastic! Especially the whole Val, Jonathan and Nancy...oh, and Helen and Yubaba. That has GOT to be on purpose, don't you think? Happy Hallowe'en!
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