
{ happy monday }

It's a good day.

Despite the fact that my son is claiming a stomach ache and was sent home from school.

He's fine.  But as 'precaution' the nurse said I may just want to keep him home for the rest of the day {because there actually is a stomach bug going around}.  My son is rejoicing...

Because it's Daddy's birthday.  And any child who thinks they might be missing out on birthday festivities would have a little stomach ache.  My hubby is rejoicing...

Not because he enjoys his children being sick, but because he texted me this morning and asked if I wanted to just keep him home from school so we could hang out as a family.  And being the mean mom that I am, I said no- he hasn't reached his reading goal and needs to be there every day until the end of the school year.

*sigh* I guess I lost this battle. ;)

So Happy Birthday to my sweetheart.  Here's hoping to celebrate a million more birthdays with him!

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Also, check out Mean Mommy University today- it's a sweet post about her hubby graduating.  Congrats to him and to her- I agree that they should award the spouses an honorary degree for their patience and support.  Way to go Mr and Mrs The Camryn!  Sending virtual hugs your way!

See? I told you it was a good day. --xoxo

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