
{ universal truths }

You may have seen these already, through the ingenious invention called electronic mail.
I laughed super hard when I read them, so I thought I would share it with you.
{Italics = peanut gallery}
1 | I think the part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

2 | Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. {Not that I've experienced this... I've just heard. From others.}

3 | I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger. {You can do that?}

4 | There is a great need for a sarcasm font.

5 | How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? {Actually, read here}

6 | Was learning cursive really necessary? {Or calculus for that matter?}

7 | Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my own neighborhood.

8 | Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

9 | I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind-of tired.

10 | Bad decisions make great stories. {Again. Not that I would know. *insert sarcasm font here*}

11 | You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment during the day when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. {Hence, I blog.}

12| Can we all just agree to ignore whatever invention comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my movie collection....again. That goes for audio too!

13 | I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

14 | "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash it - ever.

15 | I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring, but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

16 | I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

17 | I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

18 | I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

19 | I wish that Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

20 | Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize that I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it. {Can we say Grease?}

21 | I would rather carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take two trips to bring my groceries in. {Cold compress works great.}

22 | The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text. {Well, actually, for me it's read a text. I have enough trouble just texting, let alone driving too. Plus I'm paranoid - that's right. I saw that special on Oprah.}

23 | I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger. {Let's see - flour, sugar, butter, eggs, cocoa powder, cook book...}

24 | How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said? {This happens on a daily basis.}

25 | Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.

26 | There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.

27 | Sometimes I'll look down at my watch three consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

And because I have issues ending a list on 27, I thought I would add my own:

28 | Drinks always taste better when you use a straw.

29 | Clutter mates and has babies while you're sleeping.

30 | What was I thinking buying a black cell phone, when I was clearly aware that the inside of my purse was the same color?

Hope you all have a great weekend!



{ DustyLu's giveaway . . . }

Alright. Time to let you all in on a little secret. I am in love with Lu's blog. Serious eye candy peeps. And not only that, she is hosting a fabulous giveaway.
One that I want to win *super* badly.

But we all know about my luck.

I am like the rabbit in the dessert who lost it's leg to someone's keychain.

Never win.

But I won't give up! I'm blogging for a chance to win these morsels of goodness:

Yeah. I have an obsession with cake stands.

I would love to get my hands on these beauties:

*stands from here*

But if I don't win, I guess I could head over here and get this:

But I would prefer to win.

Will someone say a prayer for me?



{ camryn's corner }

Check out Camryn's latest post! It features this company:
Find out how to get 15% off beauties like these...

... by clicking here!

Hmmm.... I hate it when I am faced with a debit card temptation. And these are a huge temptation! ;)

Have a great Monday everyone!


ps - a huge thank you to those who sent sweet get-well wishes!

* all images from here *


{ projects. projects. projects. }

Last weekend I found out that I had strep. Awesome. So I did the completely natural thing that anyone would do and did. absolutely. nothing.
Which was nice.
For a while.

After a sweat infused three days, I finally have the dishes under control {and the smell}, the kids rooms cleaned and vacuumed {because for some reason they can't seem to do that on their own. grrr.} and furniture rearranged. {Because I had to clean out from underneath couches. So why not change things up?}

It's amazing how much crap piles up when you do nothing for two days. That's right. It only takes two days for your whole world to become so horrific that it would {and should} be declared a state of national emergency. Send in the reinforcements. Mom hasn't done dishes or cleared the table in two days.

Because I did such a good job of tackling the project of Operation Clean Rescue House, in making it somewhat liveable again {without the use of a hose, I might add}, I decided to treat myself with yet another project. I bought this baby off craigslist for $30:

Why on earth would I actually pay money for such a hideous thing? Let alone a whoppin' $30 bucks? Because I want you to look at those legs....

See those hairpin beauties? The cheapest I found them online was $12 each here. 12 dollars EACH {I saw them for $50 each at another site}. Sadly, I ordered 4 of them already before I saw this table. So I guess I now have them for another project.

I won't complain. ;)

I am in the process of coming up with a masterful plan. It looks good in my head, but, as we all know, my head is where the problems start. So we'll see...

Stay tuned!


*original images from here and here*


{ camryn's corner }

It's no fun loosing a pet. Especially a dog.
Camryn had to say goodbye to their 'family member' a couple weeks ago.
But then Mr. Of Camryn brought something home that will make the coldest of hearts say:

Read her story here. ;)

And I am now super jealous and spent part of my day looking at these:
.image found here.

Have a wonderful week!



{ things that make me happy }

I was tickled pink when I received a message from Joni over at Six Cherries On Top telling me that she had an award for me.


I am so flattered that she thought this little ol' blog was deserving of this:

Isn't it sad when a simple little picture makes your day?
It did mine.

So here's the rules for accepting this award . . .

1. Copy and Paste the award on your blog.
2. Tell who gave you the award and link to that person's blog.
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.

Easy, right? So here I go.

10 Things That Make Me Happy.

{ 1 } Rascall Flatts.
{ 2 } My kids being polite and respectful without me even telling them to be - a.k.a. proud Mommy Moment.
{ 3 } Cadburry Mini Eggs.
{ 4 } Texas Sheet Cake.
{ 5 } Horse back riding.
{ 6 } Singing when no one's watching.
{ 7 } Open windows.
{ 8 } Meadowlarks.
{ 9 } The color Green.
{ 10 } My religion.

The Pickings.

{stop giggling - you knew I would}

Oh, there are so many more blogs I could mention, but I have decided to put a limit on my computer time, and well, it is *that* time. Plus I need to take care of the putrid smell that is coming from the overflowing dishes in my kitchen sink...




{ new look }

like the old better?
other side bar ideas?
icons too much?

all ideas are welcomed and appreciated!


{ camryn's corner }

Technical difficulties. Anyone ever experience these with blogger? Woo-baby. Have I ever. And Camryn has as well. So what does this picture have to do with her post today?

Click on over to mmu and find out!
I heart that crazy lady...

Have a great Monday!



{ guest blogging and a life changing discovery }

Just thought I would let y'all know I'm guest blogging over at 4 Nuts in a Nutshell! I would have gone all creative, but when Cat asked for posts, J.D. and I had pneumonia, and Em had pink eye. So I decided to reposted my grab and pull method for getting older children off your bed, and a lovely video {about poo} at the end with a tribute to mothers! If you're curious about the last picture on my guest post over there, you can check out the original post here. ;) {My blog is a little wider than Cat's.}

And I would also let the world know {just incase you didn't already} that my favorite so-not-good-for-you beverage is now calorie free.
Thank you Coca-Cola. *wipe tear* Now if you could make it caffeine free . . .

Have a great weekend!



{ comfort zone }

Imagine, if you will, a small classroom inside a church building. Right across from that classroom are these two signs:
My daughter, who is 3, needed to use the restroom during a lesson one Sunday, in the room across from the a fore-mentioned signs. Her teacher, who is a good friend of mine, was teaching a class of approx. 5 children all under the age of 4.

One cannot simply abandon 4 other small children for the immediate needs of one.

My friend, decided that she would get the other kids occupied and then take my daughter to the restroom.

She was unable to put this plan into effect.

She turned around only to find my daughter had already exited the room.


I cannot imagine the immediate panic that would strike a teacher, as the thought of a three year old escapee was running around the church building doing who knows what who knows where, with the cry of freedom racing through their wee little noggin.

She checked the ladies room.


There was another room. A room that no woman has seen, where signs like no girls allowed are hung on the front door, and girls stink, or girls have cooties are etched into bathroom stalls.

Okay, I'm making that up. I don't really know if that's true - I've never seen the inside of a male sanctuary before.

As fate would have it, my friend's husband happened to walk by.

"Go see if Em is in there."
"In where?"

So her husband enters the place were estrogen is banned, and words like "Where's your underwear?", and "Is this your underwear?" {which I might note, I don't think that princess underwear would belong to any one else in there who was currently using the facilities}, and "Put them on", and "Put your dress down", and "No, put your dress down," could be heard in the hallway.

As he guided her out the door and into the correct restroom, my friend noticed he was stifling laughter. Upon asking why he was laughing, he said "She was straddling the urinal like a mini toilet."

I don't know how she managed to get up there, but apparently she thought the 'toilet' was just her size.

At least she didn't try eating the 'mints' that usually accompany urinals.

Not that I would know what they are . . .


On another side note, I just can't contain my excitement {and nervousness} at the thought that I am now a Mormon Mommy Blog contributor! Crazy! It'll be fun and scary all in the same moment. I'll be posting about DIY projects, and even though I love to do them, I'm still super nervous about sharing them with The World. I wish I had the confidence of Em, having no comfort zone and being able to go anywhere. {Pun intended}

So wish me luck! I'm thinking that a tutorial for book wreaths will be my first post. I'll let all y'all know about it when it goes 'live'. ;)

Here's hoping that you all have a wonderful weekend- I've got family again in town, so it gets a little crazy around here, but I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. I feel so blessed that Mr. Smith's brothers married some gals that ended up being my best friends. How often does that happen??

Be Good . . .


*original images found via google.


{ camryn's corner }

Alright peeps. I'm not going to say much about Camryn's post today, because I don't want to spoil anything! All that I will say is that you must do whatever you need to do to head over to mmu and read her post called: Appetizers from the Crypt. If the title isn't enough to intrigue you, then this should:
it's a funny post about something Mr. of Camryn did.

One. Word.


Hope you all have an awesome week!



{ purging the clutter }

Spring is here. I have been basking in 70 degree weather, the smell of freshly cut grass, and windows open, a soft light breeze causing the sheers to look like ocean ripples. Then waves. Then tsunamis. And blows things off counters, causing yet another mess for me to clean up.



I have decided that I have too much crap. I am not a pack rat, but my tightwad mind gets the better of me at times. The classic thought "I need to save this- one day I will have a use for it" constantly plagues the deep recesses of my brain.

I've been getting better, though. I have discovered a new high that only donating to Goodwill can bring. Refreshing, invigorating, relieving, liberating- I love it!

My sweetheart has mixed feelings.

'Cuz I seem to be more willing to get rid of his junk stuff before mine. Oh well. Baby steps, right?

I have another confession. I like things that smell good. Like lotion.

Oh, yes. The lotion bottles. I have eleven-teen billion of them plaguing my bathroom cabinets and storage. All used. Because... I need change. Not the major life altering change, just little changes, like, rearranging furniture, new hair cut or color, jr. high wardrobe revamp- oh wait. That last one is life altering. Scratch it.

So I like to use different flavors on different days. To match the mood. {Doesn't everyone?}

But no more!!! I am purging my lotion stash! 7 year old vanilla spice lotion, 3 year old orange cream lotion, 2 year old pumpkin spice lotion: This is your eviction notice!!!

But do not worry my sweet containers of yummy smellingness. I will send you to a good home.

Which leads me to announce
another mma giveaway!
{insert screams of pure giddiness here}

One of you lucky readers will win...
my Supply of Partially-Used Lotion!!

You will have 5 chances to win. All you have to do is leave a separate comment telling me:

1 | what your favorite lotion flavor is.

2 | that you blogged about this giveaway.

3 | that you tweeted about this giveaway.

4 | how old your lotion bottles are.

5 | mayonnaise or miracle whip?

You have until midnight on March 31st to enter this awesome giveaway. {I know, don't cry. I really am this generous.} I will be using Random.org to pick my winner!

So get those fingers flying across your keyboard and
good luck!!




April Fools!

Don't fear. I would never give away nasty lotion bottles to you, dear readers, no matter how good they smell. ;)